Freelance Graphic Design

& Integrated digital marketing suited to your business.

“I obtained sixteen new clients in the first twelve hours of launching my new website.”

—Michelle Craig, Personal Chef, Comfort Catering Services

Invest in what you do.

Websites should broadcast your real-life mission and display what makes your business unique to the online world, 24/7.

Let a customized marketing strategy bring your perfect clientele to you through organic keyword Search Engine Optimization (SEO), social media advertising, or pay-per-click marketing campaigns. We will discover which venue makes the most sense for your business, budget, and life to get your online presence working for you around the clock.

Valuable analytics for websites & E-Marketing Campaigns

Forget the old-school days of sending a zillion emails to who you think is interested in said product or service. Gain valuable insight by reviewing your user data. Let your potential clients show you their interests.

Reach out to targeted market groups with customized content through e-marketing campaigns.

No more guessing. Unlock the data. Market to the right people.

Website Development

With 20 years of website development experience, these are just a few samples of websites that I have developed for my clients. From SEO (Search Engine Optimization) to custom graphics, lead generation, and eCommerce, I take time to listen to my client’s needs and goals and create a customized solution that works for their clients and unique business needs.

Custom Logo Design & Branding

Set up a no pressure, no obligation marketing consultation.

Clients & Experience

Emily has over 20 years of professional graphic design and integrated digital marketing experience. From large corporations to small local businesses. Review some of Emily’s clients and works, or connect with me on LinkedIn.